Ah yes, the awkward feeling we get when we are well aware of somebody’s eyes lasering into us. Even though we might not directly see it, we certainly know it is there! The same goes for our dogs.
Have you ever noticed your dog staring at you and wondered what on earth is going through their minds? Are they secretly judging our moves, or do they just want something? Thankfully, there are a few reasons why they may do this, and this is what research has to say:
- Your pooch wants food: sometimes the case may be that your canine companion is ready for his normal mealtime, or he just wants something to nibble on
- Your four-pawed pal needs the loo: the stare could be an indication that he wants to be let out for a potty run
- Attention: a stare could very easily be an attempt to gain your attention. Perhaps the pup just wants to explore the chance of getting a belly rub! On the other hand, your dog could be throwing hints at a walk or adventure
- Trying to read you: research has shown that when some dogs stare at their pet parents, it is because they are trying to read their faces. Faces carry indicators of emotion, mood, and stimuli. So, it could very well be that your pooch is just reading the mood
- Seeking instruction: certain dogs with less training may often seek an indication of what to do next. Perhaps your precious pooch genuinely just wants to know what you would like him to do!
- Your canine companion just genuinely likes you: sometimes there is no motive or explanation other than the fact that your dog just likes you!
Does your dog stare at you like never before? Post their staring pictures in the comments below!
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