With The Lockdown Easing, Can Dog Walkers And Dog Sitters Start Working?

With The Lockdown Easing, Can Dog Walkers And Dog Sitters Start Working?

With the novel coronavirus infections coming to a plateau, stringent lockdown regulations are slowly easing up. More businesses are reopening their doors, and people are becoming more mobile.

Some shops, however, will still adopt strict rules to control the spread of the virus within their stores, as well as prevent further infection among customers. One of these stores is a co-op in New York. The regulations in this co-op are still very strict and one of the rules is the prevention of non-essential visitors. This, unfortunately, would include our canine companions.

As much as we love to take them wherever we go, they will be required to stay home for the time being. Another service under question is dog-walking. At present, there is no clear-cut answer as to whether these services will be permitted to continue or not. It is a complex matter, as some people need dog sitters or dog walkers when they return back to work and only come home later in the day.

What is evident, is that the service of nannies and walkers is definitely going to become essential. For the time being, we can expect that there will still be restricted movement permitted and services will become available based on certain criteria. What you can expect when entering businesses, is to be screened and possibly answer questionnaires. For now, our canine companions will just have to wait for us to come home and we can surprise them with a juicy treat to make up for the missed outing!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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