Woman Caught On Camera Doing The Most Heartwarming Thing For A Stray Pup

Woman Caught On Camera Doing The Most Heartwarming Thing For A Stray Pup

In this day and age, selfless acts of kindness often don’t go unnoticed. Thanks to the widespread reach of the Internet and the affordability of smartphones, any good deed can be recorded by perpetrators, receivers, and witnesses.

This woman didn’t think anyone would see what she was doing when she left a café in Zonguldak, Turkey. The weather was wet and rainy and it was very cold out, so she bundled herself up in her jacket.

That’s when the woman spotted a sad sight. Beneath the overhang awning over the front of the dining establishment lay a stray pup. The dog was curled up and trying to stay warm – something tough to do on the cold floor in that kind of weather.

The woman could have walked on, and she started to – but then she doubled back to take a closer look. Realizing the pup needed it more than she did, the woman shed her coat and gently lay it over the pup, covering its shivering form. She then walked off quickly, thinking no one had seen her act of selfless kindness.

But it didn’t go unnoticed after all! Security camera footage of the event soon made its way online, and before long it had gone viral. Best of all, a friend of the kind woman was able to identify who she was – Duygu Elma.

Elma certainly never expected to be praised for her actions, but her heartwarming gesture has touched hearts all around the world. She says that she simply couldn’t stand just watching the pup suffer in the cold like that, and had only done what she felt was right to do.

Feature Image Source: Duygu Elma

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