Young Girl Saves Injured Stray Dog On Her Way Home From School

Young Girl Saves Injured Stray Dog On Her Way Home From School

Mayane Rodrigues was looking outside her window in her apartment in Brazil on a rainy and gloomy day last week when she spotted a young girl walking home from school, stopping on the sidewalk.

The girl set down her umbrella, took off her backpack, and removed her jacket. At her feet stood a sopping-wet stray puppy. Rodrigues watched as the young girl cradled the pup in her arms before continuing walking.

“It all happened so quickly. It was very emotional,” Rodrigues said, describing the incident. Thankfully, she captured the moment on video and had it sent to a neighborhood group that helped her locate the young girl, who she described as an angel.

The angel’s name is Cibely Stiegelmair, and she’s only 12 years old.

Cibely’s mom, Rejane Stiegelmair, said she was startled when her daughter got home with the puppy because she had blood on her shirt. However, Cibely explained that she wasn’t hurt but had found the pup injured. Seeing that the dog was alone and injured, Cibely had picked her up to help her.

Fortunately, the pup’s injury was something that Cibely could heal with a little love and care.

Cibely named the dog Pretinha. While the family doesn’t know how she became stranded on the sidewalk, they are happy to make her a family member in their home. Cibely says she’s proud of her daughter for her good heart and kindness.

Image Credit: Rejane Stiegelmair

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