It’s around 6:30 in the evening and dusk is quickly giving way to night time. You and Cooper are settled on the front porch enjoying the evening breeze.
Just when you are about to sign off and call it a day, Cooper suddenly jerks up, stares at something in the sky and starts barking. You try looking but all you can see is empty space. It’s an unsettling feeling. Especially because you recently read a story about dogs spotting ghosts.
Well, I’m here to set your mind at ease.
It has now been proven that dogs can see UV light. Before then, scientists thought that only certain types of bees, reptiles, and fish had this ability. Humans cannot observe ultraviolet light because the rays don’t pass through the ocular media. That’s the part of the eye where light passes through.
So, what you are seeing as an entirely normal environment may look wholly different to your pup and hence the unexpected reaction. Who would have thought! You don’t need a UV lamp to determine whether a painting is forged. A dog can do it for you. But, this ability is not without cons.
You already know the harmful effects that UV light can have on your skin, right? Well, it’s not that friendly on the eyes either. This might explain why dogs develop eye cataracts as they age. But I will have to admit, it’s an awesome way to view the world.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay