10 People And Their Hilarious Names They Call Their Dogs!

Cinnamon Fluff. What do you think that name relates to? A lot of people thought that was some sort of delicacy, but what if I told you it was my dog’s nickname?!

My dog has many, many nicknames, including Spongebob, James Bones, Cinnamon Fluff… the list goes on. Dog parents have a tendency to come up with cute nicknames for their dogs, and these names really just multiply according to special occasions. Approximately 95% of dog parents have given their dogs nicknames and hardly use the given name to call them! So we went around looking for some of those 95% dog parents and we were pleasantly surprised! Check this out!

1. He’s so cute! Look at that smile!

2. I would call him absolutely adorable too!

3. Ali Baba and the Forty Fleas! This is epic!

4. Those eyes. Such a good boy. I’m sorry for your loss.

5. Look at that cute smile!!

Let us know your dog’s nicknames in the comments below! Watch out for Part 2!

With the COVID-19 pandemic we face today, A Dog’s Love urges you to stay home, and stay safe.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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