Dog parents can sometimes say weird things, but you know what? They sound weird to non-dog parents, but to other dog parents, it makes absolute sense. Like 100%!
When you bring home your dog, they change your life, for the better. Apart from living a healthy lifestyle, you also learn a lot about your dog, their breed, what makes your dog tick, what makes them happy, what they’re trying to say, what you’re trying to teach them… the list goes on and on. Your dogs change you, make you more humble, more connected with your soul. Don’t believe me? Here are some weird things all dog parents say!
1. It looks like I rescued him, but in reality he reality, he rescued me! I didn’t adopt him, he adopted me!
2. Sometimes I can’t tell whether this is dog hair or my hair. Is it dog hair?
3. Wait, who farted? Oh, it’s my dog, sorry!
4. Is that pee or water? Sometimes I can’t even tell.
5. I think my dog is broken.
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay