15 Ways Dogs Teach Us To Be Good Human Beings! (Part 2)

15 Ways Dogs Teach Us To Be Good Human Beings! (Part 2)

We all have humanity in our hearts, there’s no doubt, but we all need a little push to be even better! This is where dogs come in play – here’s how they teach us to be better human beings! Check out Part 1 here!

The kind of lives we live today, it’s easy to get carried away and not do things we’re supposed to do as good human beings. All we need is a little inspiration and viola! Here’s how we believe dogs can help us become better human beings!

1. Dogs don’t get weirded out

Have a wedgie you need to sort out? Need to burp or fart? Well if you’re surrounded by dogs, you can just be yourself! Dogs won’t judge you no matter what! The love they have for you will remain and continue to grow no matter how many times you fart in bed with them!

2. Dogs know when to cheer you up!

When you feel low you could either feel sorry or go play fetch with your pup! Dogs are always happy and because they’re always happy, they know how to cheer people up! Can you imagine what a wonderful world this would be if everyone was always happy? Dogs teach us yet another important lesson – always be happy and the world will smile with you!

3. Dogs have the power to boost your health

Want to lead a healthy life? Get a dog! Not only do they lower your blood pressure, but they also keep heart problems away! Instead of popping pills for anxiety and stress, cuddle your dog – they’re nature’s best medicine to heal mental disorders.

4. Dogs don’t fake their emotions… ever!

No matter how many times you return home, the excitement and love on your dog’s face will be 100% real! Unlike people, dogs don’t know how to fake their emotions so whenever, and no matter how many times, you see them happy and excited, know that those feelings are genuine!

5. Dogs don’t flake!

People usually make crazy plans beforehand, but when the time comes to put those plans in action, we step back rather quickly. Dogs, on the other hand, stick to their plans, no matter what! Whether you’re going swimming or hiking, shopping or walking, dogs won’t flake, ever simply because they love being by your side!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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