Oh, if you’re like me, you’re madly in love with your dog! But how do you know if this love is just a phase or the real thing?
Dog parents, no doubt, are in love with their dogs. They’re madly in love with them, so much so that they forget everything and everybody else! I’ll tell you a secret, my dog is my guru and I approve people he approves and cut out people he doesn’t approve. I believe in him so much that I would never doubt his sense of things! Here are some signs you’re madly in love with your dog!
1. You don’t mind that he keeps chasing squirrels. In fact, you cheer him on and know that he could never harm a living being!
2. Your favorite chair becomes his favorite chair too and you don’t mind! You share everything with them, even your favorite things!
3. You don’t mind that he has a million toys to play with, but enjoys chewing on your laptop instead!
4. You know that he has a million toys, but you still buy him more!
5. You go everywhere with your dog, you refuse to leave them alone at home. If your dog can’t be there, neither can you.
6. You buy things with dogs on them – wallets, scarves, shirts, purses, shoes… if it has a picture of your dog’s breed, it’s yours!
7. You dress as your dog on Halloween. And you celebrate Halloween because age is just a number.
8. You make sure your Christmas tree is dog-friendly. In fact, you make sure everything in your house, including your guests, are dog-friendly.
9. You celebrate Valentine’s Day with your dog. The rest of the world comes later. Much, much later.
10. Your mom knows how much you love your dog so she uses them to get to you. It works. Because you love your dog to the moon and back.
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
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