Can you learn mindfulness from your dogs? Sure you can, in fact, they’re some of the best mindfulness teachers out there. Have you ever noticed how your dog enjoys walking the same route every single day and still enjoy like it’s the first time they’re on that route?
Have you noticed how your dog enjoys smelling the same spots, without getting tired of the smell? That’s when I realized that dogs are gurus when it comes to being mindful in your everyday lives. So, what does being mindful mean? It means to be in the present, to enjoy it without judging it. And, dogs are about to teach you what it means to be mindful in your life!
1. Your dog doesn’t care about the past or the future. They prefer to live in the moment and enjoy it to the fullest!
2. Dogs never multitask because they know that every task requires 100% concentration so they do one, and do it perfectly. It doesn’t matter if they’re good or not at the task in hand, they’ll still their 100%!
3. Dogs don’t judge anyone based on anything. In all reality, dogs don’t know how to judge, so they avoid even trying. They know there’s no point judging others because no one is ever 100% perfect.
4. Dogs accept their strengths and weaknesses and don’t try to cover them up just to satisfy others. They know who you are, your strengths and your weaknesses, and they’re happy to just exist with you!
How many of you agree? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay