10 Amazing Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know! (Part 2)

Dogs are the best thing that has ever happened to the planet, followed by online shopping, of course. But dogs come first, always!

When I was a child, I always wondered if there was anyone who loved you more than you loved yourself. Apparently, there is – a dog! Josh Billings rightly said that dogs love you more than you love yourself! How many of you agree?! Now cuddle up with your pup because here are some interesting facts that will leave you amazed! Oh, and here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Your feelings

Unlike humans, dogs know how you feel and can sense your mood. A study conducted in 2016 concluded that dogs respond to the emotions they see on a human’s face. Not only that, but they can also read emotions in a photograph!

2. Smell

A dog’s nose is so powerful that they can smell up to 100,000 times better than an average human! Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors whereas humans have only 6 million.

3. Jealousy

Yep, it’s true! Dogs get jealous! A study in 2014 concluded that dogs get a little jealous if you pet other dogs in front of them!

4. Digging

Dogs dig to beat the heat! When they’re in an unshaded lawn, they dig to unearth a fresh layer of dirt that’s cold… then you know what happens… they roll on the dirt to cool themselves off!

5. Butt Sniff

Dogs sniff butts to know more about each other. After a sniff, a dog can tell where the other dog came from, the other dog’s diet as well as their mood!

Do you know any dog facts you’d like to share with us? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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