10 Benefits Of Walking Your Dog... For Your Dog! (Part 1)

10 Benefits Of Walking Your Dog... For Your Dog! (Part 1)

While walking your dog is great for your health and their health, it isn’t the only reason why walking is good for you both. You might not realize it, but there are tons of reasons why your dogs should go out for a walk!

Dogs love to check out their surroundings on a daily basis, and the best way to do this is by taking them out for a walk so you can supervise them and prevent them from getting hurt. Having said that, here are more reasons why you should take your dogs out for their daily walks!

1. Exercise


Isn’t this obvious?! Dogs need daily exercise so they don’t develop health problems. Depending on the breed though, some need more exercise, others not so much. Please speak to your vet to find out the right amount of exercise for your pooch.

2. Familiarity


Can you imagine not knowing your surroundings? When we move in, we make sure that we’re up-to-date with what’s happening around us – the same goes for dogs. While they’re not going to talk like us, they do what we can’t – sniff! When you take your dogs out for a walk, you allow them to sniff the neighborhood so they can remember important scents!

3. Socialization


Dogs are social creatures and while they’d love to throw parties, sadly they can’t, so the best way to allow them to socialize is by taking them out on their daily walks. Your dog has other dog BFFs that they want to catch up with too, so help them do that by walking them!

4. Bonding


The more time you spend with your dog, the more you bond with them, the more memories you make! You’ll learn more about your dogs, understand what makes them happy and what doesn’t.

5. Exploration


Dogs love to explore places because they’re naturally curious creatures! Go on adventures, go hiking, and enjoy your time with your dogs!

Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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