As dog parents, we know the personality of our dogs, we know a bit too much about them. Our dogs, on the other hand, know more about us than we can imagine! Leave aside the fact that they know us, but they can’t stay away from us! It’s a fact! If they could, they’d stick to us. Forever.
Dogs love being no more than six inches away from you. Consider yourself lucky though, some dogs want to be left alone at all times! Dogs who love being close to you will cuddle you, sit on you, hump you, burp and fart on you… you name it, they do it. If this sounds familiar, you have a clingy pup on your hands! These dogs want to keep an eye on you… at all times. Here are some realities of living with a dog who won’t stay away from you!
1. You learn to pee in front of them. When they’re watching you right in the eye. They don’t budge. Nope.
2. Going to work is a challenge. You don’t want to go and you wish you could stay, but you have to do what you have to do.
3. You learn to take small baby steps so you don’t trip on your dog and hurt them or yourself.
4. You get the habit of looking behind you before you turn so you don’t hurt your dog.
5. You look down before you get off the couch because your dog might be at your feet. You don’t want to step on them.
How many of you relate to this? Let us know in the comments! Don’t forget to check out Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay