Dog parents from all over the world have only one wish to make… well, actually two. The first would be to make their dogs immortal and the second was to achieve perfection in dog love!
Dogs are man’s best friend, isn’t it? I mean, they’re there with us through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, for years and years. They save our lives, keep us healthy… its only natural then that dog parents want to achieve perfection in love when it comes to their dogs! Here are some relationship goals all dog parents wish to achieve with their dogs!
1. You want to be able to find comfort in each other’s arms…
2. You want to be able to share your personal space even if there’s hardly any room for you…
3. You want to be able to get up even if you’re super comfortable, just so you can be close to each other!
4. You want to be completely and totally cool with public displays of affection…
5. You want to compete with each other and just laugh it off the next minute!
How many goals have you scratched off? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay