10 Ridiculous Ways Dogs Can Help Save The World! (Part 1)

Dogs can help save the world. Okay, science hasn’t proven this, but I can tell you and show you a few things and you might just agree!

Dogs are man’s best friend and also planet saviors! This might not make sense right now, but after you read my reasons, you just might agree that dogs can help save the world!

1. Nature’s Restroom

Unlike humans, dogs don’t need fancy bathrooms, scented soaps and candles or potpourri. They prefer nature’s restroom, which saves water, energy, and space!

2. Digging and Burying

When dogs dig up the soil, whether to play or to bury their bones, they help cultivate that area by enriching the soil! So next time your dog digs up your yard, thank them for their service!

3. Waste Disposal

Many people are talking about the proper disposal of food, but if there is no food apart from plastic wrappers, what’s there to dispose of? Although different dogs dispose of human things in different ways, we need to remember that their hearts are in the right place.

4. Endless Walking!

Have you ever seen a dog drive himself somewhere? Well, yes by accident, but dogs believe in conserving energy and so they walk places they want to go! Yes, dogs love their car rides, but if they were to choose between walking and riding, they’d choose walking.

5. Reduce Methane

It’s a fact. For some reason, if left unsupervised, dogs won’t hesitate to eat poop. By eating poop they’re reducing methane and cleaning up the Earth… until they poop again.

How many of you agree so far? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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