You know, when you’re ready for something, you just know it, don’t you? It’s like the entire universe telling you that it’s time to do something you’ve always wanted to do. No, when it comes to food, that’s probably your stomach. But think about it, don’t we say time is the answer to everything?
Sometimes things take us by surprise and believe me, I know. I went out shopping for Christmas and brought home a dog instead. I know. He’s been with us ever since, and there’s nothing I would change! So, what if the universe is trying to tell you something, how would you know? How do you know if you’re ready to bring home a dog?
1. Every time you see a dog, you can’t help but freak their parents out by running over to them and starting to squeal in delight! You can’t contain your urge to pet the dog, hug them, squeeze them, babytalk with them… you know you, the list goes on.
2. While you’re doing what you do best, you make sure everyone in your family and those around you notice you because secretly you want them to see how awesome you are with dogs. This is your way to letting them know that you’re ready.
3. When your friends with dogs ask you to dog-sit their dogs, you don’t hesitate to say “Yes”. In fact, you don’t even let them finish asking you to dog-sit their dogs. You love their dogs so much that you’ve made a copy of their keys and in sneak in to cuddle them whenever you can.
4. You check out all baby clothes at the store and confuse store employees who think you’re pregnant. When someone asks you your due date, you tell them that you’re shopping for your future dog… because I mean, baby clothes + dogs = magic.
5. You’re often seen at the dog park. You don’t have a dog. Yet.
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay