There’s a reason why dogs are considered man’s best friend, but how do you know that you truly love dogs more than humans? How can you tell that you value your dog’s friendship more than a human’s friendship?
Here are some signs you love your dog more than you love humans! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
1. You’ve already requested your office to allow pets so you can bring your dog to work. You believe that dogs make you more productive and you’ve managed to convince your employer that dogs help boost business.
2. You have never wanted to watch someone sleep because you find that creepy, but you could spend hours watching your dog sleep because that’s love…
3. You have almost always forgotten human birthdays, but you have never once forgotten your dog’s birthday and you always bring them a gift!
4. Your social life depends largely on your dog’s health.
5. You’d rather be locked up in a cabin with nothing but your dog instead of humans.
How many of you relate to this? Let us know in the comments!
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