10 Signs You're An Amazing Dog Parent! (Part 1)

Okay let’s make this clear – if you’re a dog parent, you’re already amazing, incredible and a valuable member of the world! You are someone that anyone can rely on, you know your boundaries, you know your potential – you learned it from the best teacher in the world – your dog!

While every dog parent is awesome, here are some signs that you’re even more awesome and that you’ll do anything and everything for your dog! Check them out!

1. You enjoy walking your dog every day and you do it without fail! You walk your dog so you can take a break from your busy life and breathe some life back in! You know that this is the best way to clear your mind and give your dog the exercise they need!


2. You simply enjoy being around your dog. You cherish every moment and every second you spend with them because you know that the love they have for you is entirely pure! There’s no love like A Dog’s Love!


3. Instead of buying treats from your local supermarket, you decide to make them at home for your dog. You enjoy experimenting with new recipes and see what your dogs like and what they don’t!


4. You’re so awesome with your dog that other people and their dogs naturally come to you. The people come to get tips from you and their dogs want a taste of the delicious treat you made for your dogs at home!


5. Your dog can sense and feel your positivity and because of this, your good vibes can calm them down! Somehow your dog knows that you have everything in control and that they don’t need to worry… Aww!


How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments below. Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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