10 Things Only Clean Freak Dog Parents Will Understand! (Part 2)

10 Things Only Clean Freak Dog Parents Will Understand! (Part 2)

I’m sure most of you are like me, we like coming home to a clean house, we all love that things are stashed where they’re supposed to be stashed, filth makes us shudder, scattered mess makes us want to tear our hair out… I’m sure you can relate.

So what do we do to combat this problem? What do clean freaks do to keep their houses clean? Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Vacuuming


Um. I don’t know if this sounds strange, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s done this, but yes, I admit. I tried vacuuming my dog directly. I mean, I’ve seen this. I vacuum the house when he’s asleep, but the moment he’s awake, there’s like a pound of hair everywhere. So, yes, I tried vacuuming him directly to get that hair before it hits the ground. Best part? My dog loves it!

2. Wet wipes


My dog loves me. I love him. But the slobbery kisses he gives me just gives me goosebumps. Now I’m not trying to be rude, but I can’t stand a wet face! So when my dog kisses me, and when he’s not looking, I quickly grab a wet wipe and wipe my face. Off with the slobber.

3. Poop bags


For whatever reason, I can never be satisfied with the number of poop bags I currently own in my house. I feel that there’s never enough poop bags, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to think like that. I mean, yes you need one per poop, but what if you need more? I think I have a five-year stock of poop bags (if not more), but I’m still not convinced.

4. Sofa covers


If you come over to my house, you’d think I’m about to paint my entire house, or about to renovate it. My sofas and chairs are covered with blankets to prevent my dog from destroying them. Also, you want to cuddle your dog on the sofa, so it’s a win-win, I suppose.

5. Car seat covers


Hey, if you want to take your dogs out in your car, you gotta maintain it, right? Plus you also need to remember that humans sit in your car too. So, to make upkeep easy, my car has protective seat covers that trap all dog hair and keep it ready for my lint roller to do its job.

How many of you are clean freaks? Let us know how you handle the dog mess in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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