Remember our post about some things only tall dog parents understand? Well, here’s a tribute to short dog parents, and it comes straight from a short dog parent. Yes, we exist.
Short people are constantly wondering if there’s anything they can do to stop being vertically challenged, why? We live in a tall-man’s world. he tallest man gets the bestest things… or is it the shortest that gets there first? Yes, but grocery shopping is a challenge. With shelves stacked so high, it becomes difficult for us to grab a necessity. But what happens when short people decide to become dog parents? Here are some things only short dog parents understand:
1. Great Danes are like horses to you. If it would be legal and not frowned upon, you could totally ride on one. But wait, don’t do that. Just saying…
2. You get everything for your dog when you go shopping, but when it’s time to lift that 30lb dog food and take it to the car… Oh boy.
3. You can’t escape from your dog’s wet kisses. Even when you stand tall, you can’t escape them. Now I feel sorry for you. But hey, you’re closer to your dog even when you stand tall! Take that as a compliment!
4. You have to parent small dogs because they make you look tall, but on the inside, you’ve always wanted a golden retriever or a German shepherd, or a Labrador. But you have to stick to dachshunds. Even beagles are too big for you. Sadly.
5. Tall people get some of the best things at the pet store and so while you’re struggling to touch a leash on the top shelf, others just wipe it clean. No more leashes.
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay