10 Ways To Dog-Proof Your Home To Keep Your Dog Protected (Part 1)

As dog parents, our biggest worry is that our dogs would hurt themselves accidentally at home. We all want our homes to be the best safe and secure place on earth for our dogs, but this requires a bit of work and a thorough safety check!

Dogs love to frolic about home, and we need to provide them that environment to allow them to explore indoors without accidentally hurting themselves. In order to do so, you need to dog-proof your home and make sure there’s nothing out there in the open that could harm your dog. Here are a few ways to dog-proof your home to keep your dog protected at all times!

1. Move furniture with sharp edges and corners to other areas of your house where your dog doesn’t go. Dogs like to chew, so if you want to avoid chewing tables, make sure you store away low tables, as they can attract dogs who’re still learning not to chew!


2. All empty spaces where you can’t fit are perfect places for your dogs to creep in. So make sure that these tiny spaces are free from insects, sharp objects and food waste to prevent your dog from hurting themselves or falling sick.


3. Arrange and tie wires to prevent your dog from biting, tugging or chewing them. You can even tape them high up where they can’t reach to prevent accidents.


4. Lock containers and cabinets that store chemicals or other dangerous things you don’t want your dog to sniff. Safety locks should be placed on low cabinets too, to prevent them from opening and hurting themselves.


5. Check your sofa for any hidden or lost item that could be a choking hazard for your dog. Check behind and under the sofa too, sometimes we forget things, or they get pushed under and this could be fatal for your dog.


How did you dog-proof your home? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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