10 Ways To Dog-Proof Your Home To Keep Your Dog Protected (Part 2)

Dogs love to frolic about home, and we need to provide them that environment to allow them to explore indoors without accidentally hurting themselves.

In order to do so, you need to dog-proof your home and make sure there’s nothing out there in the open that could harm your dog. Here are a few ways to dog-proof your home to keep your dog protected at all times! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Make sure all doors and windows are properly closed even when you’re at home supervising them. Dogs will try to break out if they see a squirrel on their favorite tree, so ensure your doors and windows are locked and most importantly ensure your dog doesn’t know how to open them. Yes. Some dogs, like mine, know how to open doors.


2. Before you bring home your dog, make sure you throw out all toxic plants that can cause harm to your dog. We have written tons of articles on toxic and safe plants if you wish to refer to them. Better be safe than sorry, people.


3. Make sure all your tiny objects are away from your dog’s reach. Puzzle pieces, beads, needles, buttons… anything that can be a choking hazard to your dog should be locked away where they can’t reach. Dogs have to visit the emergency vet if they swallow something inedible, so locking these items away is better. Prevention is better than cure!


4. All beauty products, perfumes, and cosmetics should be locked away where your dog can accidentally eat them. Apparently, dogs have a tendency to “apply” lipstick when they come across one, but it isn’t recommended, so help them stay natural by keeping them out of their reach!


5. If you have kids at home, make sure you keep their toys and books where the dog doesn’t frequent. Trust me, I forgot one day, and my dog chewed two of my daughter’s Barbie dolls. They look scary now.


How did you dog-proof your home? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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