A lot of parents don’t realize that you can start training and socializing puppies from the moment they can walk! Sure you can’t do it for too long, but it’s something you absolutely can take advantage of.
After all, it’s so much easier to train them while they are still young, and their brains are still information sponges!
Maddie the Dachshund puppy may be a tiny thing of 10-weeks-old, but she’s already capable of learning a few tricks – like ringing a bell! Ideally, she will eventually learn to ring this bell wherever she needs to go outside. That way, Mom and Dad will immediately know what she wants and needs, and there will be no more accidents!
In the meantime, however, she’s going to associate the bell with food. It’ll be hard to transition her to doing something else, but this works for now! One step at a time – and she has to start somewhere, after all!
Feature Image Source: Girl Viet Nam