Dog parents from all over the world have one complaint – when people start questioning their choices. I mean, yes, things are hectic, but we’re living the life we’ve always wanted! Right?
You keep telling people that you’ve made the right choices, but opinions never fail to bother you. Then again, how many times can you say the same thing over and over again? Sometimes it’s best to just send them an eCard and let them do the thinking, because isn’t talking overrated? So when your word falls on deaf ears, here are some awesome eCards that come to your rescue!
1. A lot of people ask me what my dog eats, and honestly, I could tell you, but you wouldn’t be paying any attention because you don’t have dogs and you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about. So here’s an eCard for you.
2. When I have guests over, they’ll forever complain about how messy my house is. I don’t want to tell them I just cleaned because they won’t buy it, even if I really just cleaned. I know what my dog does, and really, as long as he’s comfortable, so am I. So here’s an eCard for that occasion.
3. When my single friend, who’s also a dog lover, needs some comforting, but they’re far away… here’s an eCard for that situation.
4. Some people think that only dog parents with actual dogs can go to the dog park. What about dog lovers who want to pet dogs but don’t have a dog of their own? So before I brought home my dog, a lot of people asked me why I was at the dog park if I didn’t have a dog… here’s an eCard for you.
5. When someone tells my dog off for something they did and I personally thought it wasn’t the right way of saying things… here’s an eCard for them.
6. When you’re in the middle of a lame social gathering and you need to go, but people don’t understand why… here’s what you’ll find stuck behind their dress!
How many of you have used eCards before? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay