12 Signs Your Dog Is Your True Love! (Part 1)

As humans, the one thing we dream about is finding true love! So many articles online suggest that finding true love is difficult, but is it, really? Maybe our true love is a four-legged creature who can’t wait for us to return home? Have you thought about it?

Humans are hopeless when it comes to romance! For years we search for that perfect soulmate and don’t realize that maybe, just maybe we’ve already found our one true love – our beloved dogs! So, how do you know your dog is your true love? Here are some signs to help you figure it out!

1. You kiss your dog more than you kiss anyone else on the planet. You just can’t wait for that next kiss because you know when they kiss you back, they mean it. They kiss with deep love.


2. When you’re among friends the only thing you talk about is your dog. You talk about them non-stop. Your friends know everything there is to know about your dog.


3. As soon as you return home from work, the only thing you want to do is to cuddle up with your dog on the couch and relax…


4. You do everything together; your dog is your partner in crime. Bake together, cook together, eat together, the list is endless. You know it.


5. You share a bed together. Yes, your dog gets the majority of your bed and leaves you barely any space, you still enjoy it. Nothing like spooning your dog to bed!


6. You’d do anything for your dog. Anything. You know that they would do anything for you too! That’s the kind of relationship you have with your pup!


How many of you agree? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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