Whether you agree or not, you and I are both utterly obsessed with our dogs! We love them so much that sometimes we wonder if they love us back just as much as we do. So what do we do? We test their love! Don’t deny, we know you’ve done this too!
1. When you leave for work, you look back at the window to see if your dog’s looking at you as you leave or immediately move on to something else… do they?
2. You stay in the bathroom for as long as you can and come out only when you hear your dog whining outside! Don’t tell me you never did this too!
3. When you return home from work you measure their level of excitement! If they’re freaking out a lot, they love you a lot! How many of you have done this too?!
4. When you go to sleep and your dog’s sleeping on their bed, you call out to them and see if they come running to you and join you in your bed! If they love you, they’ll want to snuggle in with you, right?!
5. You constantly try to teach your dog to say “I love you” hoping that maybe someday you’ll hear them say it exactly like you do!
6. You give your dog a treat and see if they share it with you! You want to know if they love you more than food, or treats, or food. Do they? Did you do this?!
How many of these do you relate to? We’re not done!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay