14 Dogs Who’re Confused And Totally Don’t Approve Bath Time! (Part 2)

Most dogs hate bath times, but at some point, they give up and reluctantly hop in so you can lather them with soaps and shampoos. No matter how many rubber duckies you have, no matter how many treats you give them, in the end, you’ll have an annoyed and confused dog who absolutely disapproves of bath time!

And that before you turn on the dryer. Oh boy. Here are some dogs who don’t approve bath time! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. I’m so traumatized right now like I don’t even know where to start. Why, human, why?

2. Let’s NEVER do that again. EVER. I’m so done with your bath problems. I’ve had it.

3. Just look at me, human. Look into my eyes and tell me why you did this to me.

4. Wait. Stay away from me. I’m totally pissed right now and no amount of cuddles or treats can fix this until I’m like completely dry.

5. I feel like crying as loud as I possibly can. Do you know how long it took me to smell like grass and mud? Now it’s all gone. All gone.

6. Think I’m impressed that you gave me a bath? Oh, you’re going to find a lot of surprises until I forget about this incident.

7. And here, I thought we were friends.

Does your dog love or hate bath time? Share a picture with us in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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