16 Lessons Your Dog Teaches You About Camping! (Part 1)

16 Lessons Your Dog Teaches You About Camping! (Part 1)

Dogs are incredible teachers, but not all people know this! Dog lovers and dog parents can tell you that they’ve learned so much from their four-legged pup, I know I can.

Dogs love going on adventures, and because of their love, we’re forced to take them out. I use the word “forced” because not all the time we’re ready to go out, but we do it because of the love we have for our dogs. One of the best things I like to do with my dog is to take him camping! He absolutely loves camping, and so I try to fit a few camping trips in my schedule. During every camping trip, I learn something from my dog, the greatest camping guru on the planet. Here are a few lessons your dog teaches you about camping!

1. Enjoy the ride! Camping is all about having fun, revisiting your childhood with your best friend!


2. Don’t pack half the house with you, just take what you need. You don’t need everything, trust me. Bare essentials and you’re set!


3. Keep your mind clear and leave the stress behind. No point camping if you’re going to worry about an upcoming deadline that you’ve already figured out.


4. Revisit your childhood and enjoy doing things you would have otherwise not done! Dance around, if you want. Have fun, because your dog says, you’re never too old to have fun!


5. Share your camping secrets with others and help them make beautiful memories too! Your dog thinks you know everything there is to know about camping and wants you to share your knowledge with others!


6. Your dog thinks you look beautiful when you smile and wishes that you’d smile every time! So when you’re faced with a challenge, smile!


7. No matter how difficult it is to climb high peaks, no matter how difficult it is to paddle, smile, says your dog. There’s no point camping with a frown!


8. Close your eyes and “look” with your nose! Your dog says that you’re missing out on a lot by just looking through your eyes. They think that sometimes, you should let your nose do the looking, so close your eyes and smell your surroundings! The air smells beautiful!


Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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