20 Dogs Who're Guilty For Hilarious Reasons! (Part 2)

20 Dogs Who're Guilty For Hilarious Reasons! (Part 2)

Dogs can get into some serious trouble, and sometimes these troubles are so hilarious, we just can’t get over them! Here are some guilty dogs who’re going to leave you in splits! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. This dog who decided to take a chance and leave everything else to fate… or a locksmith.

2. This dog who doesn’t care about consequences, so long as he gets the opportunity to do it again!

3. This dog who has the potential to embarrass people! I mean, look at his adorable face, would anyone even believe he farted?! No wonder his parents are annoyed!

4. This dog who thought his mom’s yoga mat some kind of an exotic treat.

5. These dogs who don’t leave any evidence behind, unless the room is light enough for people to see. In this case, it was!

6. This dog just can’t face the camera because he’s trying to figure out if mom missed that mark on the floor!

7. This dog who’s proud of what he’s done! Plus no more bad breath! High-five people!

8. This dog who was probably trying to save the kids from their lifeless pinata. What’s the point of being a dog when you can’t be a hero, people?

9. This dog. I’m not sure what to say. Maybe he thought they were pancakes? I mean, pancakes are just as rubbery, I guess. I’m not guilty, human. Not guilty.

10. This dog who’s not ashamed of eating alarm clocks. No wonder his humans are never up early!

Have your dogs done something similar? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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