Dog parents, no doubt, are in love with their dogs. They’re madly in love with them, so much so that they forget everything and everybody else! I’ll tell you a secret, my dog is my guru and I approve people he approves and cut out people he doesn’t approve.
I believe in him so much that I would never doubt his sense of things! Here are some signs you’re madly in love with your dog! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
1. You gift your nephew or niece a t-shirt with your dog’s face on it. They’ll wear it whether they know how much you love your dog or not. And every time you see them wearing it, the love you have for your dog just grows.
2. Your friends know how much you love your dog. Like your mom, they use him to get to you. It doesn’t work.
3. You rely on your dog’s word for everything. Your boyfriend became your ex because he and your dog didn’t get along. Your dog was warning you, and you listened. You’re happier.
4. You sneak in from your job whenever you can just so you can be with your dog. Your partner? Not so much. But your dog, every time. Just works that way.
5. You let your dog steal your pillow and even share it with him, but if your partner does that they’re sleeping on the couch. Happens. Trust me. Your pillow is your pillow. And your dog’s pillow. No one else’s. Period.
6. You don’t mind your dog turns you into a pillow. Yes, there were times when you probably suffocated from your dog’s coat, but that’s okay.
7. You don’t mind when your dog hogs on your blanket. Your partner wouldn’t dare to do that. But your dog knows you love him more than you love your blanket.
8. Your dog snores the roof off and it’s music to your ears! In fact, you sleep better when you hear your dog snoring, it’s like white noise for you. Your partner best visit a doctor to fix that snoring issue.
9. You don’t mind being late for work every day because you spend more than 15 minutes saying goodbye to them!
10. You thank them every day for letting you adopt them. You thank them for changing your life and making you a better person!
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay