20 Ways To Make Sure Your Dogs Stay Warm During Winter Months

20 Ways To Make Sure Your Dogs Stay Warm During Winter Months

When the weather is too cold, dogs can suffer severe consequences – hypothermia, frostbite, the list goes on! Here are 20 ways to make sure your dog stays safe and warm this winter.

  1. Keep your dog’s paws safe with booties when you walk outside to protect from the icy cold and from salt.
  2. Clear away the excess ice or snow from around your home where your dog can get to.
  3. Let them cuddle in bed with you!
  4. Keep an eye on the temperature; if it’s 20˚F and below, it’s too cold for almost all dogs to be outside, though many reach their limits for cold much sooner.
  5. Don’t go swimming.
  6. Make sure your dog isn’t too near windy or drafty parts of the home.
  7. Don’t overgroom.
  8. Try hydrotherapy.
  9. Get your dog a comfortable sweater or jacket for the cold.
  10. Give them extra food if needed.
  11. Wait for the sun to be out before you let your dog freely roam outdoors.
  12. Do not ever leave your dog alone in a car – it can get freezing very quickly.
  13. Don’t let your dog sleep outside.
  14. Remember to take into account the time needed to walk back from somewhere.
  15. When putting your dog to bed, give them extra blankets.
  16. Arrange their blankets in a donut shape for added warmth.
  17. Keep total outdoor playtime to a minimum.
  18. Keep them nice and dry.
  19. Don’t let your dog roam off-leash.
  20. Give your dog warming mats or beds, especially if they’re extra sensitive to cold.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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