3 Reasons Why Some Dogs Don't Like Halloween And How You Can Help Them

3 Reasons Why Some Dogs Don't Like Halloween And How You Can Help Them

Halloween has a strange effect on dogs. Some of them love the unfamiliar and unpredictable sights and sounds that come once a year, while others absolutely cannot stand it.

If your dogs belong to the latter category, here are the top three reasons they become a distressed mess on Halloween:

Wearing a dog costume is uncomfortable

In the eyes of humans, a dog in costume is the ultimate in adorableness. Not so with our canine friends. That fancy superhero outfit might not sit as well as a simple sweater. Perhaps a short bandana tied loosely around the neck is tolerable.

Humans in costume are a scary lot

People who play dress up on Halloween turn into unfamiliar versions of themselves. As dogs are known to be creatures of habit, anyone and anything that is outside of their regular routine can cause distress.

Halloween treats are toxic to dogs

A compound called theobromine is an ingredient in chocolate, which acts like poison to dogs. Keeping candies and chocolates out of reach prevent dogs from accidentally consuming them.

Now that you know why your dogs hate Halloween, below are three ways to help them cope:

  • Safe Room. Set up a dog friendly room ahead of time that is out of the way of visitors. Include their favorite toys and other creature comforts.
  • Calming Sound. Put on a soothing music playlist to reduce the noise from frequent doorbell ringing and collective yells of, “Trick or Treat!”
  • Pet Sitter. Hire a reliable pet sitter if you intend to celebrate outside over an extended period.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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