Do you trim your dog’s toenails? You should! This is a crucial part of canine grooming, and although it can be a little scary to do yourself, if it’s not done, it can lead to health problems of all sorts. Here are reasons to trim your dog’s toenails.
Their Nails Can Get Torn Off
Long nails can snag on carpets, blankets, and other hazards, causing them to be torn off. Not only is this extremely painful, but it will affect your dog’s walking and open the door to possible infection. Even if a nail isn’t torn off, it can still catch on things and cause injury.
Long Nails Change How They Walk
Long nails press into the ground and add nail bed pressure, which will change the way your dog walks and put weight on their legs. This will affect their joints in the long run and lead to greater injury risk.
Their Nails Don’t Wear Down Naturally
A dog who runs on concrete and hard surfaces may wear down their nails gradually on their own, but most dogs prefer running on soft soil, grass, and our carpets and soft furniture at home.
Trimming your dog’s nails yourself is possible, but you need the right clippers and need to know how to do so correctly! We’ll talk more about how to do so in the next few articles! If you’re really confused, though, or need further assistance with the process, speak to your vet or a professional canine groomer for clarification.
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