We have all been there. One moment your puppy is perfectly fine trotting around the house and being cute and then the next they are vomiting. It’s scary.
If this is something you’ve experienced too, we are going to explore some of the reasons your pup may be vomiting and what you should do.
The first thing you need to realize is that vomiting is the natural reflex for dogs when they ingest something foreign. Dogs, and puppies especially, love exploring but unlike us, they don’t have hands. So, they will use their mouths to explore. But, vomiting could also be a sign of illness.
So, the first thing you should do if you notice your dog vomiting is to look around. Check to see if there is a missing toy, food item, or any other stuff that you may have had lying around. Next, check your dog’s mouth to ensure that nothing is obstructing them. If it was a large object, it may still be stuck along their throat which could give them trouble breathing.
If none of the above seems to be a problem wait it out and see if your puppy vomits again. If it persists then I recommend you visit your vet so that they can assess your dog for you. Note that vomiting could make your dog dehydrated so it’s always good practice to give them water after an incident. If they can’t keep the water down try giving them ice cubes in a bowl.
Oh, and keep them warm and don’t punish them for vomiting. Understand that it’s a biological response that they have no control over.