What’s the fascination that pups have with shoes? They sniff at them and play with them, and you’d be hard pressed to find a pup Mommy or Daddy who hasn’t come home one day to find their best shoes chewed up.
Oh dear! This 4 month old German shepherd pup loves shoes, too, and he’s got his paws on some Jordans! This fur ball has decided that this expensive and well-known shoe is the perfect toy. Luckily, Daddy doesn’t seem to mind! So he bites on the shoe strings and tosses it around.
He seems to be having a lot of fun! What a playful pup! Who knew that fur balls had such specific tastes in shoes? Will Daddy ever get to wear that shoe again? I don’t know, but this pup sure is happy! Do give this a like and share it around if you enjoyed the video!
Feature Image Source: pig34bolo