46 Dogs Collected From A Monroe House Are Looking For Their Forever Homes

It is no secret that we love our four-legged family members with all of our hearts! We love having them around and spending time with them, and at often times we cannot bear to watch them go.

They make up such an important part of our lives, comforting us in our times of need, providing the perfect playmate when we want to exercise, and never fail to be at our sides when we seek solace. Sometimes we are blinded by what is good for them because of the way we feel about them, and a house in Monroe tells a tale important or us to be aware of.

A household in Monroe found recently found themselves in a rather distressing state. Their canine companions had bred to the point that the family needed to seek help. The 47 pooches were just too many for the family to care for, and animal rescue had to intervene. The Animal Friends Humane Society took in the dogs and were processing them for adoption.

When word got out on social media, citizens flocked to adopt the furry-faced friends and help the shelter where they could. The dogs all found great homes, except for one who had a litter of eleven. Because they can only be put up for adoption once they are old enough to be neutered or spayed, the canine family will stay at the shelter until the right time comes.

The story of the Monroe household reminds us that we need to make sure we are properly equipped to adequately care for our four-legged family members. If we find ourselves in a position where we no longer are able to care for them, we need not feel ashamed to seek professional help.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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