4th Of July Marks The Day When Most Dogs Run Away

Well, this might not come as surprise, but most number of dogs run away from their loving homes on the 4th of July every year.

The 4th of July is celebrated all around the United States, and for a good reason too. After all, it’s Independence Day and should be celebrated, but unfortunately, the way we celebrate it causes immeasurable stress on our dogs. The fireworks, the crackers, the chaos all make our dogs extremely anxious and so, to save themselves, they literally run for their lives.

Naturally, on the 5th of July, many shelters are busy catering to a large number of lost dogs. And while shelters are jam-packed, parents are busy searching for the loved members of their families. So the best thing to do is keep them safe in the first place.

While fireworks are amusing to see, not only do they wreak havoc on our atmosphere, they also startle our dogs – they’re loud and unpredictable. So what happens when a dog is suddenly startled by loud, unpredictable sounds? They bolt in fear. They go wherever their feet take them, as long as it’s away from the sounds. Here are some ways to keep your dogs safe on the 4th of July.

1. Keep your dogs at home

If you know for sure that your dog is going to be stressed out, it’s best to leave them at home where they can be safe and away from the loud sounds and firework smells. We know that dogs run away in fear, so it’s best they’re home, away from all the chaos and crowd. Some dogs don’t do well with crowds, so please leave them at home. Make sure the windows and doors are locked because a scared dog will bolt through anything to run away from the noise.

2. Stay home with them

If you can, please stay home with them so they know where to go when they feel stressed and anxious. If you’re home, your dogs will feel safer and more secure than when they’re left home all alone. If you’re unable to stay home, ask someone your dog knows and trusts to stay home with them.

3. Leash your dogs

Assuming the fireworks started earlier than anticipated and you’re outside with your dog, if your dogs are leashed, they’re easier to handle and take to safety. If they’re not leashed and fireworks start at odd hours, your dogs will run away and without a leash, it would be difficult to bring them back.

How do you keep your dogs safe on the 4th of July? Let us know in the comments. Watch out for Part 2.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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