5 Silent Ways You're Actually Hurting Your Dog's Feelings - Without Realizing It

5 Silent Ways You're Actually Hurting Your Dog's Feelings - Without Realizing It

The last thing any dog parent wants to do is make their pooch sad – but unfortunately, it happens. Worse still, we may not even be aware that we’re hurting their feelings!

But just like humans, our canine companions can be affected by what we do and experience emotional and psychological distress for our actions. Here are some ways you may be doing more harm than good:

Skimping On Play

Your dog needs regular playtime to bond with you and stay happy. Go for a short walk, play a quick game of fetch, or have a cuddle.

Separating Them

Got a “black sheep” among your pets? Don’t segregate them – this will lead to more issues than it will solve.

Punishing Their Fear

A frightened dog will often show signs of what looks like aggression, such as growling, flattening their ears, or raising their hackles. If you punish your dog for being afraid, they are only going to be more frightened.

Showing Them Their Accidents

Even a house trained dog will probably have an accident if they’re locked in at home for hours and hours at a time. How many times do you need to use the bathroom, and why would you expect your dog to need to use it less?

Rule Inconsistency

One day your dog is allowed to get on the bed. The next day, you yell him off. This is confusing to any pooch, so make sure you enforce rules consistently!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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