5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Face Dog Emergency

5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Face Dog Emergency

It is sometimes unavoidable for pets to end up with injuries even with attentive monitoring.

Here are five tips that can help if faced with a pet emergency:

1. Emergency Treatment

Take your pet for immediate veterinary care. First aid may save your pet’s life in critical situations until she receives veterinary treatment, but it is not a substitute for professional medical help.

2. First Aid Kit

Assemble a first aid kit specific for pets earlier on. Basic supplies, including bandaging material, a muzzle, and a splint, can be utilized in an emergency while transporting your pet to the veterinarian.

3. Medical Records

Bring your pet’s medical records along with you. First ensure that they are stored in a good place that is quick to access in an emergency.

4. Pet Reaction

Fear and pain can make pets react dangerously and unpredictably. Avoid getting bitten or scratched by not attempting to hug your pet, and by keeping your face and specific parts of your body away from her mouth. Immobilizing your pet also minimizes the risk of aggravating her injury.

5. Veterinary Relationship

Develop and establish a strong relationship with your pet’s veterinarian. Learn what pet owners need to do in the event of an emergency. Have access to a poison control hotline for pets in case of toxic ingestions.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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