6 Myths About Dog Parents That Are Actually True! (Part 1)

6 Myths About Dog Parents That Are Actually True! (Part 1)

From where I come from, people would, without a doubt, trust a dog parent more than they would trust anyone else. Then again, a lot of other people think that, just maybe, dog parents are too good to be true.

Are dog parents really just too good to be true? What makes dog parents different? How can you distinguish between a dog parent and everybody else? Is there an easy way to tell them apart? Yep! Check some of these traits out!

1. Dog parents are like liquid – they fit anywhere


Dog parents are constantly on the go, and thanks to their dogs, they meet new people almost every second. Socially awkward? Nope, not after their dog smelled everyone in public. They have incredibly funny stories about their dogs sniffing people in the wrong places… and you know what? Those stories are 100% true.

2. Dog parents are fit and active


Dog parents don’t have the time to stretch their legs like the rest of the world. Okay, that was a bit exaggerated, but still, unlike most couch potatoes, dog parents hardly get the time to kick back and relax. They’re active and on-the-go all the time, thanks to their dogs. So if you see a dog parent, don’t challenge them. They’ll outrun you. Trust me.

3. They’re loyal. Like 100% loyal


Dog parents would never abandon their friends because they’ve learned loyalty from one of the best teachers on the planet – their dogs. They’re loyal and loving and sometimes, they’ll freak you out with the amount of love they shower on you.

How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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