Homeopathy is a popular choice of medicine or treatment for humans, and these natural cures do work in many circumstances.
In fact, natural remedies are even effective for pups! Here are some great basic herbal and plant-based medicines to add to your pup’s cabinet.
1. Aloe vera
This plant is great for soothing irritated skin and is excellent for pups with hot spots or allergies. Make sure to only use the gel, and not the white sap – which contains harmful latex – you’re your pup. And remember to bandage the area after application, as ingesting aloe vera can result in diarrhea for dogs. You can choose to buy a bottle at stores, or purchase an aloe vera plant and break open the leaves.
2. Calendula
The natural oil from this remedy is great for healing wounds, so it’s a great go-to for treating small cuts, eczema, insect bites, bruises, sprains, and other similar injuries. You can also use it to treat inflammation or ulcers in the digestive and urinary tracks, and it can even be used as an eye wash if your pup gets conjunctivitis. Special formulations of calendula extract are available for pets!
3. Hypericum
Also known as St. John’s Wort, this herb is great for easing anxiety, stress, and depression in pups, and as such is a great item to give your dog during a thunderstorm or visits to the vet. It can also be used for pain management, with its essential oils having positive effects on mild contusions, skin irritations, and muscle aches. However, it can’t be used with any other medications.
4. Echinacea
This is a great way to support the immune system of your pup, but it cannot be used on dogs who have immune mediated diseases. Specially formulated Echinacea products for animals are available for purchase, so look around!
5. Arnica
Also known as “homeopathic aspirin”, this product can be used to help a pup reduce symptoms of pain and promote healing post-surgery. It’s known to be great for post-injury, trauma, or overexertion treatment, and is apparently great for dogs with arthritis!
6. Rescue Remedy
This homeopathic tincture is made from flower essences and is designed to help pups deal with stress and anxiety of all forms. It comes in drop and spray form and was developed by Dr. Edward Bach. You can find it at many natural food stores or by doing a quick online search!
Remember to always check with your veterinarian before using any of these medicines or remedies on your pup. Better safe than sorry! Do like and share this article if it was helpful!