6 Reasons Why A Dog Should Be The President Of The United States! (Part 2)

6 Reasons Why A Dog Should Be The President Of The United States! (Part 2)

You know the Dog, you’ve known him your whole life. You know that the Dog is dependable, sometimes smart, trained and skilled, and always flashes a smile. Think a Dog could run a country? Let’s assume they could, and if they could, here’s what a DOTUS would do! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. They are experts at diplomacy tactics


Puppy dog eyes and turning belly up for belly rubs is just one way to negotiate with world leaders, but the Dog has one powerful tactic that they employ, an innovative, yet effective strategy, the cuddle. No one can resist the cuddle and the Dog knows this well so they use it to solve big problems the world faces. Worrying about tariffs? Cuddle the Dog. Don’t know how to handle a sensitive situation? Cuddle the Dog. Don’t know if NASA should send cats into space? Cuddle the Dog. The cuddle has your answer.

2. They treat everyone equally


It doesn’t matter to the Dog where you come from, how rich you are, or how influenced you are, the Dog will teach everyone equally. They will be partial to those who bring extra treats, though, but that would probably be prohibited.

3. They will assemble the perfect cabinet


Of course, we mean the pantry cabinet. Can you even begin the imagine the different kinds of exotic treats in that said cabinet? People working for the DOTUS would have landed their dream job.

How many of you would love to see a DOTUS? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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