6 Tips And Tricks To Help You Keep Your Dog Occupied While They Wait For Your Return

6 Tips And Tricks To Help You Keep Your Dog Occupied While They Wait For Your Return

Some dog breeds need more attention than others and cannot be left by themselves for too long without becoming anxious or destructive. Ensuring that they get regular exercise by taking them for walks or playing fetch helps dogs to expend restless energy and settle down.

As it is impossible to monitor pets 24/7 and unavoidable to leave them home alone at times, here are several tips and tricks to keep dogs comfortable and occupied while waiting for their persons to return:


Choose a classic and durable brand that can provide a calming effect, promote healthy canines, and withstand constant gnawing. Dog friendly flavors are welcome!

Dog Bed

Invest in good quality beds that match the age, size, and traits of your dogs for an extra comfortable rest.

Dog Zone

Allocate a special section in the home for dog toys and other creature comforts, whether it is a simple crate, a safety gate, or an entire room.

Calm View

Select which blinds or curtains to open or close that will redirect to a more serene outdoor view.

White Noise

Leave either the fan, radio, or TV on before leaving to provide some noise or visual distraction and reduce incidents of barking.

Pet Cam

This entertaining and popular device allows you to communicate and monitor your dogs remotely. Use in moderation as it can be quite addictive!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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