6 Ways To Keep Your Senior Dog Active In His Golden Years (Part 1)

I’ve had my dog for years now, and every day when I see him, a see a change in his face. His rich brown coat shows signs of aging… silver hair sprouting out and about, all telling me that this puppy is now entering his golden years.

The truth is that our dogs will age, but they can still remain puppies at heart if we let them. Dogs depend on us for a healthy life, so it’s up to us to help them stay alert, active and happy. It’s up to us to give them a healthy lifestyle because they’ve got a lot more living to do! Here are some ways you can help your senior dog remain active in his golden years!

1. Nose Work

Dogs are led by their noses, and they use their nose for almost everything! In short, the better their sniffing power, the brighter they will be. A nose is a dog’s strongest tool to solve any problem, so help your senior dog’s nose remain active by encouraging more nose work!

2. Food Puzzles

Instead of putting food in a bowl, give your dog food puzzles to keep their brains active. An active dog is an alert dog, and an alert dog is a safe dog.

3. Daily Walks

We discussed the importance of daily walks for dogs, and so this applies to senior dogs too. Apart from being a form of exercise, daily walks help your dog familiarize himself with the surroundings, keeping them up-to-date with what’s happening around them.

What else do you do to keep your senior dog active? Let us know in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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