The best part of being a dog parent is that you can be yourself, your raw self and your dog wouldn’t mind. They will never judge you, never bully you and never body-shame you! Here are some ways your dog knows more about you than the rest of the world! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!
1. You see a dog and you don’t mind kissing and hugging it provided you ask permission from his parents because otherwise, it would be just plain weird. Can you imagine kissing and hugging a total stranger you saw on the street? Yikes! Around humans, you’re a more closed version of yourself, but around dogs, you’re yourself!
2. You don’t mind sharing everything with your dog, good or bad, and you don’t mind crying too, but when you’re around humans, you hold your tears back. Humans are going to judge you, but dogs won’t, ever! So around humans, you play it cool, but around dogs, you just let yourself be.
3. With dogs you don’t mind singing songs with wrong lyrics, so long as you hum the tune right! When you’re around humans, and if you don’t know the lyrics, you prefer to be quiet and scream inside! But mostly you prefer to be all business-y and stuff around humans.
How many of you relate? Let us know in the comments below!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay