Many dogs are frightened of fireworks. The loud noise, bright lights, and festivity stress can be simply too much for them!
Here’s how to help if your pup is scared of fireworks:
1. Don’t Let Them Escape
When a dog is panicking, they may try to run off and escape in a frenzy. Make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked, and their ID and microchip should be up-to-date.
2. Distract Them
Put on some music or a TV show. Make some yummy, high-value treats. Get a fun game going. Do anything to take your pup’s mind off the noise.
3. Supplements
Severe noise phobia or anxiety disorders may require some form of medication. Talk to your vet about options.
4. Stay Indoors
Being outside means more chances for your pup to escape, while the inside of your home is safe and familiar. Help your pup get comfortable inside.
5. Create A Safe Space
Find a cozy corner for your pup to huddle in, filled with their favorite toys, blankets, and pillows. Close the windows and curtains to minimize light flashing.
6. Noise-Train
Before fireworks season, train your dog to be used to loud noises. In a safe, controlled environment, play loud noises from a laptop, TV, phone, or other device. Don’t do this if they react with extreme fear, though!
7. Stay Calm
A scared dog will look to you for guidance. Remain totally calm and relaxed to show them that there is nothing to fear.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay