8 Things That Can Happen If Your Dog Is Walking Without A Leash

8 Things That Can Happen If Your Dog Is Walking Without A Leash

More and more dogs are allowed to walk off-leash every day, but this is endangering the community of canine-lovers. In many places, leashes are required to walk a dog, and forgoing one can even be illegal.

Leashes are crucial for a dog’s safety. Here are some things that may happen when a dog is off-leash:

  • They may disturb or be disturbed by wildlife
  • They may become injured or attacked
  • They may be too rough with children
  • They may get into fights
  • They may run into the road and get hit by a vehicle
  • They may aggravate other dogs with too much enthusiasm
  • They may knock people over
  • They may eat toxic things

So, what are your other options? After all, some dogs aren’t great at walking on leashes, especially if they have a lot of energy within them. Here are some great solutions:

  • Let your dog take longer walks where they are allowed to sniff everything they want to
  • Opt for a dog park that is fenced in if your dog is well-behaved and truly capable of off-leash fun
  • Try biking, jogging, or running with your dog on a leash
  • Hire a professional trainer to teach your dog proper leash walking
  • Play games of fetch and other physically tiring games
  • Use puzzle toys to help get your dog’s brain whirring

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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