8 Things You Can’t See But Your Dogs Can! (Part 2)

Did you know that dogs can see UV Rays? Yep, Mind blown. Here are some things our dogs can see and smell that we can’t! Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it!

1. Lint & Hair

Because dogs can see UV light, they can see a strand a hair buried in your sweater! So lint and hair cannot escape a dog’s eye, but you won’t even know they were there on your sweater!

2. Pee Marks

Of course, humans can see pee marks, but after those marks are cleaned, only dogs can see the stains because… you guessed it – UV light! So while we may think that the marks are gone, dogs know that’s not true.

3. Human Teeth

If you use a lot of fluoride-based products than chances are your dog can see your teeth even when it’s pitch dark! Yes, your teeth glow in blue for them thanks to their ability to see UV light.

4. The Earth’s Magnetic Field

Yes, dogs can see Earth’s magnetic field and that is why they align themselves with the north-south axis every time they pee and poop. Can you imagine what physics would be like if dogs were teachers?!

Do you think dogs can see spirits? That’s the burning question today! Let us know in the comments below.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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