Before I became a dog parent, I was always conscious of what I wear and how people will look at me. It’s natural because I’m no model and don’t have fresh air for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! While I’m not saying that being thin is bad, it’s just not my cup of tea, because food is my second love! You know my first love, my dog!
The media, to some extent, is to blame for showering us images of what people consider body perfection. I, on the other hand, do not fit conventional beauty standards, at any cost! Then I became a dog parent and learned how to appreciate my body, just the way it is. But how? Check this out!
1. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool!
As humans, we’re so busy thinking about how others will think about us when they see what we wear that every time we wear what is pleasing to others. We forget to be true to ourselves and wear what feels comfortable to us. Dogs don’t care what people will think about their clothes. All they care about is that the clothes fit and are comfortable!
2. Be comfortable in your own skin!
Dogs teach us to be comfortable in our own skin. Do they care that their coat has different shades? Nope. Do they care that their face has a beauty mark? Nope. So be comfortable in your own skin and stop being self-conscious. It doesn’t matter what people think about you so long as you’re happy and walking with pride!
3. Be confident and be yourself
Dogs teach you to be confident and be yourself no matter who you’re surrounded by. For example, if I’m having a bad day and I have guests at home, I no longer mind slipping into my PJs and letting my hair be messy. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break, take a deep breath and start again.
4. Don’t take things personally
Do you think dogs care if you call them names or if you body shame them? Nope. They teach us to be immune to bullying and let it not affect us and the way we think about ourselves. We should learn to not take things personally and we’ll be happier.
How many of you relate? Let me know in the comments! But we’re not done! Keep an eye out for Part 2!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay