9 Tips To Make Bath Time Easier For You And Your Dogs!

9 Tips To Make Bath Time Easier For You And Your Dogs!

Bath times can be a little tedious if your dog doesn’t like them. Here’s how to make bath time easier for you and your dog.

  1. Keep It Nonslip. If the tub is slippery, a dog can get anxious because they slide around and can’t get a grip. Use nonslip mats!
  2. Exercise First. This can burn off excess energy, making your dog less restless and less likely to try to run off.
  3. Prepare In Advance. Get all supplies, like towels, toys, treats, and shampoo, ready beforehand so you don’t need to leave your dog in the tub to find them.
  4. Be Gentle With The Face. A dog who dislikes baths isn’t going to be too fond of you getting in their face and rubbing. Be gentle so you don’t hurt them!
  5. Get In With Them. Very anxious dogs will be comforted by your presence.
  6. Fill The Tub First. The noise that comes from a running tap can be nerve-wracking to dogs, so the bath should already have water in it when you bring them there.
  7. Use Treats And Toys. These can help a dog relax in a tub, keeping them distracted and associating the bath with good things.
  8. Ask For Help. If it’s difficult or you’re feeling stressed out, get help from a family member or friend!
  9. Use A Cup. If your dog is scared of the tap or showerhead, use a cup or dipper to scoop water onto them.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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